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Australia Luxury Place - Longitude 131 at Ayers Rock

Amidst the endless expanse of red desert of Australia is the Voyages Longitude 131 degrees. The hotel offers luxury at the highest level. Equipped with a breathtaking panoramic view of the Shrine of the Aboriginal people and with all the luxurious comforts, guests staying at one of 15, with canvas-covered tents.

Tent camp on the outskirts of the national parks

The unusual tent camp is secluded on a sand dune, just a few miles away from Ayers Rock on the edge of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, the world is both natural and cultural world heritage. The Ayers Rock, called Uluru by the Aborigines, is a mysterious mountain. Below ground are 36 contiguous inselbergs, which are called by the locals Kata Tjuta.

Colors in the Red Centre of Australia

This so-called Red Centre of Australia promises a fascinating play of colors: bright red, no matter if rain showers in the evening sun, a bright yellow in the morning or in a dark blue gray to one. Rest, relaxation, nature and wilderness, the camp offers comfort and luxury as well as with library and swimming pool.

Stories of adventurers

Longitude 131 at Ayers Rock
A historical journey of discovery begins in the 15 private Luxury Tents, because each tells tent with its individual features the adventures of another Australian adventurer. The approximately 40-square-foot, freestanding tents are decorated with natural materials and earth tones and furnished with a mix of classical colonial and contemporary furnishings. Through the large windows there are stunning views of the Ayers Rock and the vastness of the Red Centre.

Champagne  at sunset

Dune House in the center of the hotel complex is a restaurant with bar and lounge. French cuisine is served, among other things, cooked with Australian products. Table 131 is a special experience: a dinner under the stars. At a desolate sand dune will be served champagne and canapes for an unforgettable sunset. Then there is a three-course meal at the starry sky.


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